ESPHome on Shelly RGB Duo
Getting ESPHome onto Shelly RGBW GU-10 Bulbs
Follow the Shelly instructions to connect the bulb to your network in the normal way.
Open the IP address of the bulb in the browser shellyip.
Check list at for link to software version
For RGB Duo Bulbs it is http://shellyip/ota?url=
Type that address into the browser. it will return some JSON. Wait 5 minutes for it to finish the install and let it will reboot itself.
Using your phone, connect to the devices captive portal called Tasmota-[random]. Connect the new device to the network (same as step 1).
Connect to the device using the IP address from above.
In ESPHome add a new ESP8266 device, give it a name, but skip installing it.
Use the bare minimum code from here for the first install to make sure all the keys are correct, but change the name and friendly name to match what you want the final name to be.
- Create a new firmware for the bulb. Download it locally, and then GZIP it so it will upload successfully.
gzip filename.bin
Using the Tasmota web update install the new firmware.
Add the new found device to Home Assistant when prompted.
- You can now update the YAML to add the rest of the config.
name: shellyrgb-bedroom-01
friendly_name: ShellyRGB Bedroom 01
id: shellyrgb_bedroom_01
project_name: "Bedroom.RGBW"
project_version: "0.1"
esp8266: # change me
board: esp01_1m # change me
base: !include common/base.yaml
#common: !include common/common.yaml
shelly_rgb_duo: !include common/shellyrgb_bedroom.yaml
# static_ip:
# gateway:
# dns1:
# subnet:
common/shellyrgb_bedroom.yaml is:
- platform: cwww
id: ${id}_cwww
name: ${friendly_name}_cwww
warm_white: warm_white
cold_white: brightness
cold_white_color_temperature: 6500 K
warm_white_color_temperature: 2700 K
- platform: rgb
id: ${id}_rgb
name: ${friendly_name}_rgb
restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
red: pwm_r
green: pwm_g
blue: pwm_b
- random:
- platform: esp8266_pwm
id: warm_white
pin: GPIO4
- platform: esp8266_pwm
id: brightness
pin: GPIO5
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO13
frequency: 1000 Hz
id: pwm_r
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO12
frequency: 1000 Hz
id: pwm_g
- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: GPIO14
frequency: 1000 Hz
id: pwm_b